Here is the sink end in better times and below is a photo I took of the workbench when it was new.
A more recent photo shows the bench with the cutting board at one end and the ironing set up at the other.
These two photos show how it has adapted to being a kitchen.

I put away as many of my textile things as possible. My cutting boards are currently under my bed, my two sewing machines are 'resting' in the study and the books and tools that are normally on the shelves are in various places including the shed. I found a leftover piece of flooring to put on the workbench and protect it from spills although it was a few inches too short. We have also been sharing the studio with the new kitchen parts and in the photo above you can see how the cook has to lean past the stacked pieces of cupboard, fascias, skirting boards and for several days, the uncut worktop. Just as well the weather was very good until last night.
We have been operating with a microwave, a small table top oven and, remembering previous times when we have had to resort to an electric table top hob and how slow they are, an induction hob from Lakeland Plastics. This is brilliant and we have decided to have it in the new kitchen because it is so good for keeping things warm and for making risotto. It will take up valuable bench space (my opinion) but my husband, who does most of the cooking, has fallen in love with it! It is the flat object next to the oven on the left of the photo.
The old kitchen table on which I keep my main machine has had to revert to its original function and is the general workspace and dumping ground.
The far end of the room is even more untidy than usual although I did manage to find something I needed on the shelves yesterday.
Now most of the work is done and the builder says we can cook in it over the weekend and use the dishwasher! I have spent so much time washing up the last two weeks that I begin to understand why so many of our mothers did not have time to go to work. As we have been able to use the dining room (where the fridge and freezer have been relocated) I seem to have spent hours carry trays of washing up out to the studio, washing up, drying up and carrying everything back again. The builder expects to finish on Monday so we are not allowed to put anything back until after that. The microwave will be staying in the studio and I must find out how to use it for dyeing with Procion dyes. As it is fairly elderly we have bought a new one for the kitchen.
I think it will be another week before everything is back in its proper place and I can get back to sewing as I realise I will also have to clear up the studio so that I can find everything again. I will take photos of the new kitchen and post them when we have everything back in place. The last time we had a new kitchen in another house about twenty years ago, we put the cats in the cattery and went away for a week but that was not an option this time.
I love the sound of the induction hob but as my husband has a pacemaker he is not to use them. Sympathies on the temporary studio makeover into a kitchen but think of the bliss of getting it back.