Monday 5 May 2014

Hedgerow wild flowers Part 2

On my second walk up the valley towards the moors I noticed plants I had not paid attention to the first time.  Identifying some of them has proved difficult even with the aid of the Web.  The umbellifer family is huge and includes many common garden plants and herbs.  It is quite early in the season for them as the majority flower in June and July but I noticed two distinct types of plant.  The first has yellow/green flowers and interesting patterns of umbels.

The second is white and I think this is cow parsley.  It is certainly very prolific and grows throughout the hedge at all heights.

The other white flower which is out at the moment is onion weed.

This is a plant from my childhood as it grew wild on our walk to school.  It also smelt very strongly of onions so was generally known as 'stinky weed'.

 Here it is often found growing alongside bluebells as in the piece of woodland this road passes through.

The other things I noticed on this walk (apart from a solitary wild strawberry flower) were buttercups, dock and gorse.

 We have two varieties of gorse in Cornwall: one flowers at Easter and the other in August. This is the spring flowering one and grows as bushes at the tops of the Cornish walls.  The August flowering one is generally more prolific.  When I checked my father's book, I found he had seen the early flowering one (U'lex europaeus) at Reifenberg in Germany in May and Welsh Gorse, the late summer flowering one, in Reifenberg in June, so perhaps the flowering periods are not so clear cut after all!

Finally, dandelions.  Embroiderers love dandelions and I always associate them with Danish cross-stitch kits.  We are plagued with them in our lawn and when I see them growing wild so near to us I can see why.

On this occasion, I found a near perfect dandelion 'clock'.  Amazingly no passing cars or horses and caused the thistledown to blow away.


  1. Is your umbellifer Alexanders? It grows near the sea. I had not met it before we moved to Norfolk, it has the most amazing large dark seed heads in the Autumn and is one of the first plants to push up leaves in the spring.

    1. I'm afraid I haven't a clue which one it is but we did see some with huge seed heads on the moors about a mile away last August. I did a blog about them and was surprised to find that some of my photos had made it to Google Images when I was writing this post.
